William Clements - Biography

Born: Melbourne, 1933

National Gallery School, Melbourne (part-time) 1952-53
Fine Arts lectures, Melbourne University, 1952-54
Sydney University (Undergraduate studies in Science), 1958-59
National Art School, Sydney, 1960-62
Kyoto City Fine Arts University, 1964-67 (the first Australian sculptor to choose to study in Asia before Europe or America)

(Japanese Government Scholarship, 1964; ANU Saionji Memorial Fellowship, 1966; Dyason Bequests (Art Gallery NSW, 1967); Australia Council grants (1973, 1975, 1976, 1989)

On the road
Studies of traditional religious art in South East Asia and India (1967)
Bicentennial exhibitions in USA (1976)
Romanesque sculpture of the pilgrimage roads in France (1976-7)
Argentina, Chile, Europe and Israel (1987)
Visiting artist, Malaysia (1989)
Gandhi Centenary, South Africa (1993)
Scandinavia and Europe (2003/4)
Sarawak, Borneo (2006)
Nagasaki, Japan (2009)                         

1997: After some years on dialysis, I received a kidney and the gift of an extended life from an unknown donor. Over many years, I have benefitted from wonderful medical care from the staff of the Renal Unit at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney.

(Commonwealth Games photo: Jeremy Vermeesch)